
邮箱: han9066@cueb.edu.cn

电话: 17812017818

办公室: 华侨D203

讲授课程: 知识管理、经典文献阅读

研究方向: 企业管理

2015至2019 对外经济贸易大学 博士学位
2011至2014 Yangon University of Economics 硕士学位
2006至2010 University of Pharmacy, Yangon, Myanmar 学士学位

2019.09-2021.07 北京理工大学 博士后
2021.09-2022.12 首都经济贸易大学 讲师
2023.01-至今 首都经济贸易大学 副教授

-Han, M. S., Zhang, Y., Liu*, C. (2025). How do two facets of social media interaction shape waste sorting behaviour? Empirical evidence from Beijing, China. Technological Forecasting & Social Change,123850.

-Han, M. S., Ma, S., Wang*, Y., Hong, T. (2023). Impact of technology-enabled product eco-innovation: Empirical evidence from the Chinese manufacturing industry. Technovation,102853.

-B8Han, M. S., Hampson, D. P., & Wang*, Y. (2022). Two facets of pride and knowledge hiding: an empirical analysis. Journal of Knowledge Management, 26(10), 2602-2617.

-Predicting influencing factors and evaluating willingness-to-pay for the AI-powered waste sorting facilities in Beijing, 2024,PI, Beijing Natural Science Foundation (IS24060).

-Strengthening residential waste sorting in Beijing: technical assessment of waste sorting technologies, 2023, PI, Beijing Foreign High-level Talents Funding (Q2023039).

-A community-wide-individual-focus social media intervention: A project to promote waste sorting awareness level in 16 districts of Beijing city, 2023, PI,National Natural Science Foundation of China (72250410377)